
Who am I?

It’s hard to answer this question, maybe I shall leave this question to philosophers. Sure, a brief introdution doesn’t mean aswering such an ultimate philosophical question. But it’s still not easy for me. My gender, birthplace, education background, vocation, and so on, are not worth of mentioning, plus these are personal privacy. If you know me in person, you already know these. If you happen to come here, these don’t matter, right?

I expect myself to be pure and sincere, despite being mediocre. I hope I value knowledge, sincerity and goodness over fame and fortune.

BTW, I mainly use Chinese to write. Sorry if you don’t read Chinese.

What’s this place?

This is my personal blog. I used to have one personal site two, three years ago. I also had a public WeChat account, aka 微信公众号 earlier. Dating back to more than 10 years ago, when I was in middle school, I wrote in Q-zone. I feel ashamed to admit that none of the above lasted long for my lacking persistence. I got the desire to write something, while with little talent in it. I should face this reality now.

However, nothing stops me from longing for a private territory to say whatever I want, free of any speech cencorship. What I write in here might be rough, boring, full of fallacies and biases. But I can assure you that every word is sincere, and no plagiarism shall be found here. Oh, except the section named Xiao, in which are posts by my girlfriend, and her name is displayed.

This site is generated by a static stie generator called Hugo, deployed on GitHub Pages without any charge, and built automatically by GitHub Actions. The theme used is called MemE, provided by reuixiy. Many thanks to him for generously sharing this minimal, elegant, yet well functioned theme.